7:00 am
Registration & Refreshments

8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Collin Sutt Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group

8:10 am Creating a Roadmap for Digital Transformation to Provide Clear Strategy & Direction for Your Entire Organization


  • Mapping the 5-year roadmap for your business
  • Using your long-term goals to select the correct tools available for your firm
  • Tracking progress and understanding where you are on your digital transformation journey

8:50 am Fireside Chat: Discussing the Most Promising Avenues for Digital Transformation to Keep Up With the Industry Leaders


  • Looking at availability and affordability of possible technologies that could transform your operations
  • Understanding how falling behind on change could affect your company and what further challenges you could face
  • Exploring what change looks like for different companies and how that translates to greater profitability and efficiency

9:30 am Reduce Project Delays by 20 % Using Performance-Driven Construction Management


  • Leverage the power of accurate progress data for tackling mostc ommon project inefficiencies
  • Gain insights into the tangible benefits and outcomes achieved by implementing Buildots in past construction projects
  • Learn how Performance-Driven Construction Management, facilitated by Buildots, is poised to revolutionize project timelines, aiming for a remarkable 20% reduction in delays

10:00 am
Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

Track 1
Building Your Strategy for Operational Excellence
Track Chair: Collin Sutt

Managing Change

10:50 am Discover:Defining a Blueprint for Change to Ensure You Are Streamlined & Efficient Every Time


  • Developing an effective strategy for change that can be deployed every time
  • Discussing the common variables you need to consider on a case-by-case basis when rolling out change across your organization
  • Allocating the right roles to ensure a smooth and streamlined change process

11:20 am Develop:Benchmarking Effective Change Management Strategies to Ensure Continuous Improvement


  • Reflecting on prior successes and failures when rolling out system improvements organization-wide: What cornerstones are effective for change management?
  • Discussing different models for change management, and how the right strategy may change depending on organization type
  • What are some of the most effective low cost change management strategies?

11:50 am Action:Sharing Lessons Learned to Create a Plan of Action to Improve Change Management in Your Own Organization


Taking lessons learned from the morning’s discussions and your own experiences, use this opportunity to discuss with other company executives how you can improve your own change management strategies in the future.

Track 2
Achieving Project Excellence
Track Chair: Jesse Hernandez

Maximizing Efficiencies in Project Delivery

10:50 am Discover:Harnessing Technology to Increase Efficiency of Project Delivery


  • Uncovering where introducing technology could have the biggest impact on driving efficiencies
  • Working with end users to pilot potential solutions and determine the right investment
  • Supporting project teams to integrate new systems into the day to day to maximize ROI and realize efficiencies as quickly as possible

11:20 am Develop:Silence is Golden, Unless it is Your Supply Chain – Learn How to Use Technology to Break the Silence, Bring Harmony to the Noise & Accelerate Project Delivery

  • Hal Capshaw Vice President Operations, Lumatrak
  • Erin Tran Vice President of Customer Experience, Lumatrak


  • Capturing, merging, and sharing project data in a revolutionary way that empowers teams.
  • Providing precision communication at digital speed to bring focus to changes in projects.
  • Solving supply chain execution issues faster with results-driven collaboration.
  • A business case study showing how Walmart used this model to complete 750 large construction projects and over 10,000 small projects in 2023

11:50 am Action:How Can You Best Support Project Teams Implementing New Technologies on the Journey to Digital Transformation?


Developing on takeaways from the earlier discussions, take the opportunity to discuss with others what your plan for digital transformation looks like and how to execute this effectively.

12:20 pm
Lunch & Networking

Using Digital Transformation to Enhance Profitability

1:20 pm Discover:Using Schedule Analytics to Make Informed Decisions at the Project & Enterprise Level

  • Freddy Allison Vice President, Construction Operations, McCownGordon Construction LLC
  • Peggy McGilley Business Solutions Group Director, McCownGordon Construction LLC


  • Implementing schedule analytic tools and processes for a strategic value, not simply for the sake of analytics.
  • Buy-in from project teams to ensure confidence and utilization of the information.
  • Proactive use of schedule analytics to reduce and mitigate risk to ensure a successful project completion.

1:50 pm Develop:Discussing the Potential for AI to Improve Forecasting & Manage Uncertainty

  • Peggy McGilley Business Solutions Group Director, McCownGordon Construction LLC
  • Timothy Tim Buma Manager of Construction Technology, The Austin Group


  • Determining how AI could best improve overall business profitability
  • Overcoming internal resistance and uncertainty of AI adoption
  • Evaluating the success of deploying small scale pilots to plan for future wide-spread adoption

2:20 pm Action:Discussing Your Own Options for Harnessing Technological Capabilities to Enhance Revenue Streams


Using the takeaways from the afternoon sessions, we’ll further explore approaches to monetise and maximize profitability of digital transformation for your own firms.

Applying Lean Principles for Project Excellence

1:20 pm Discover:Buying in Project Partners Into Investing in Excellence Initiatives & Changing the Ways They Work

  • Emerson Dority Lean Manager | Continuous Improvement Facilitator, Turner Construction Co


  • Discussing who needs to be in the loop when applying new excellence initiatives
  • Explaining why it’s worthwhile for project partners to be a part of the change process
  • Understanding the difficulties in executing cross-stakeholder alignment and the potential resulting change in the way your project partners work with you

1:50 pm Develop:Buying In & Implementing Change with Field Labor


  • Ensuring all employees understand and buy into change and work it into their day to day
  • Removing the stigma around sharing failures to promote a spirit of continuous improvement
  • Developing robust yet easy to engage with training for Project Managers and Superintendents that doesn’t interfere with project progress

2:20 pm Action:Maintaining Engagement with Change Initiatives When Project Teams Are Overrun


An audience discussion of how industry leaders are motivating and incentivizing engagement with change initiatives and what takeaways you could be bringing back to your company.

2:50 pm
Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

Preparing for Future Disruption

3:30 pm Digital Doesn’t Mean Automation: Get back Thousands of Hours & Millions per Year Through Automation & AI With Smartapp


  • Help! Solving the problem of too many requirements and not enough people to truly manage operational excellence. Digital doesn’t mean automation so what has really changed?
  • One Input to Many Outputs: How Smartapp is changing the entire construction management game through automation and AI in ways we know everyone will appreciate, no matter your role. The key: too many things can’t be true to save time and money. It has to be passive and easy.
  • What’s next? Where machine learning/AI is really taking us all in the immediate future…

4:00 pm Case Study: How are Manpower Shortages in the Marketplace Being Mitigated by Businesses & Why This Is a Big Driver for Operational Excellence

  • Steve Levy Chief Operating Officer, McCownGordon Construction LLC


  • Understanding consequences and reasons to overcome the manpower shortages
  • Developing strategies to effectively mitigate for the reduced quantity of brainpower within the business
  • Evaluating future plans to continue business growth and ensure operational excellence

4:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

  • Collin Sutt Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group

4:40 pm Drinks Reception


Reflect on your learnings form conference day one and connect with other like-minded

operational leaders with a drink on us

5:40 pm Close of Day One