7:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Achieving Firm-Wide Operational Excellence Alignment
8:00 am Bolstering Team Health: The Ultimate Leading Indicator to Project Outcomes & Profitability
- Creating shared language and understanding of what ‘team health’ means within and across organizations
- Understanding the link between team operational effectiveness and business profitabilityÂ
- Experimenting with psychological techniques to measure team health, including sentiment analysis
- Targeting collaboration and alignment to tackle challenges with mental health across the industry
8:40 am Building Top to Bottom Buy-In that Integrates the Pursuit of Excellence into the Fabric of Daily Operations
- Creating alignment to the goals of senior leadership by leveraging a clearly defined organizational culture
- Empowering key operational leaders to enact business-level change in line with these goals
- Ensuring team members connect their role to operational excellence and, in turn, increase overall engagementÂ
9:20 am Effectively Setting the Direction For & Managing Change at All Levels to Embed Improved Tools & Processes
• Assessing the appropriate level of detail in new processes to ensure they are practical for staff to follow, without overcomplicating and overwhelming them
• Gaining insight into different personality types within the organization to effectively manage and sustain engagement during change initiatives
• Determining the extent to which pockets of resistance should be addressed to minimize impact on those who are willing to engage in improvement initiatives
• Creating feedback loops to assess the success of process changes and determine when they're full optimized
10:00 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking
Managing Process Change
10:40 am Discover: Establishing Effective Knowledge-Sharing Structures to Support Workforce Development & Higher Quality Project Delivery
• Determining a staged approach for piloting a process change
• Leveraging project and region-specific insights to ensure a fit for purpose company-wide implementation strategy
• Highlighting best practices for developing training materials and frameworks to reinforce change
11:10 am Discover: Establishing Effective Knowledge-Sharing Structures to Support Workforce Development & Higher Quality Project Delivery
• Evaluating models to incentivize and enable knowledge sharing among various operational groups
• Selecting group representatives to get a collective voice on best practices across business functions, and how they can be embedded into the day to day
• Maximizing the use of construction management software and practices to facilitate knowledge sharing
11:40 am Develop: Creating a Manageable & Scalable System to Identify Areas Requiring Improvement
• Fostering a culture that empowers staff to get involved with Operational Excellence and suggest improvement initiatives
• Establishing an effective system for uncovering areas in need of improvement
• Implementing clear criteria around initiative selection to ensure democracy and clarity across the organization
12:20 pm Lunch Break
Technological Enablement
1:20 pm Discover: Selecting Technology to Integrate With & Enhance Your Current Tech Stack & Workflows
• Understanding and maximizing the value of tools already in your tech stack to determine if a new tool is really necessary
• Determining when your company has reached the inflection point that justifies investment into a new tool
• Cutting through the noise to identify tools that will provide tangible organizational impactÂ
1:50 pm Develop: Exploring the Emerging Technologies with the Biggest Impact on Field Productivity
• Developing robust selection criteria for technology to improve field productivity
• Scrutinizing the effectiveness of emerging tools claiming to enhance field productivity, site logistics and lean delivery
• Making informed decisions on which technologies are worth investing time and resources inÂ
2:10 pm Action:Comparing & Contrasting Tools in Your Tech-Stack to Uncover Opportunities For Enhancement
2:20 pm Afternoon Refreshments
Balancing Productivity & Business Improvement
2:50 pm Discover: Optimizing Your Recruitment Process to Secure Top Talent
• Collaborating with HR to enhance recruitment policies and job advertisements to make your business more appealing to candidates
• Finding experienced candidates for advanced roles within the organization
• Assessing interview techniques that effectively evaluate cultural fit and leadership capabilities
3:20 pm Develop: Staffing & Resourcing Continuous Improvement Initiatives in a Project-Driven Organization
• Discussing the benefits of establishing dedicated improvement teams and how this can scale to your business need
• Ensuring involvement of end-users without impacting day-today productivity
• Developing systems to monitor the potential negative impact of process change on business productivity and intervening when that goes wrong
3:50 pm Develop: Evaluating Emerging Workforce Preferences to Inform the Way You Hire & Resource Projects
• Confronting the issue of rising labor costs and how you can mitigate overall inflation with effective L&D systems
• Exploring ways to incentivize geographic motility in an age of different expectations of work/life balance
• Building a pipeline of entry-level talent to maintain long-term business prosperity Â