Michelle Palys

Company: Graycor Construction
Job title: Vice President - Performance Excellence, Environmental, Social, & Governance
Develop: Developing a Centralized Source of Information to Ensure Policies & Resources are Up-to-Date & Accessible at All Times 11:40 am
• Understanding what needs to be captured within a centralized database to add value to operations teams • Discussing the best structure to host standards and resources to make your database easy to use and searchable for all users • Monitoring input and engagement without making individuals feel overly scrutinizedRead more
day: Day Two
Develop: Creating a Manageable & Scalable System to Identify Areas Requiring Improvement 11:40 am
• Fostering a culture that empowers staff to get involved with Operational Excellence and suggest improvement initiatives • Establishing an effective system for uncovering areas in need of improvement • Implementing clear criteria around initiative selection to ensure democracy and clarity across the organizationRead more
day: Day One